Dreams That Make Us Laugh

How a quick interaction became an ongoing source of laughter for us…

We all have our ways of speaking, our favourite phrases, and styles. Some of these phrases and mannerisms become part of our personality, some come for a while, stay a little and then move on, while others get dropped completely. I am sure that friends from a decade ago would remember me using phrases that I can't remember anymore. I guess it just depends (that’s a phrase from two decades ago that I no longer use, but a longstanding internal joke for many who know me from that age.)

The reason this came to mind today was my interaction with the lunch lady (I will not use her name.) An interaction that has now come to stand as a daily ritual of sorts. She asked me how I was doing and I replied that I was living the dream.

We’ve had this exchange going on for a few years now (pre-COVID era onward), but one rather bleak day I added, “Nightmares are dreams too!” The first time I said this, she doubled over in laughter and since then this has become a thing. Our little joke that just seems to brighten both our days – especially the nightmarish ones.

However, this little ritual was set in stone when I came back to work in person after the COVID break, my face hidden behind a mask and protective glasses. We said our hellos - the lunch lady and I - but it seemed like we had forgotten each other. The stress and heartbreak, the isolation and despair had changed the world forever and another phrase seemed destined to die out – unknown and alone as is usually the case with them.

That is until the day a colleague in the lunchroom asked me how I was doing and I replied, “I'm living the dream!” Immediately I heard a familiar voice, cracking with laughter, from behind the counter asking, “Dream or nightmare?” The simultaneous cackle of laughter that followed infected everyone within earshot.

At a time when COVID-19 had taken the sheen off socializing, and masks had hidden our identities it was a simple phrase that broke those barriers. Over time the phrase has adjusted itself and our exchanges have ranged from the hurried hello to a detailed discussion about weekend plans. However, I will forever be the guy at lunch who gave her nightmares a smile.

(Afternoon scene in the cafeteria)

Lunch Lady: How are you doing?
Masala Chai: I’m living the dream!
Lunch Lady: Which kind?
(Laughter all around)

~ Masala Chai

The Bun Maska Corner

Four friends, strangers, and a bit of both, connected by a shared passion for writing... like four dots... each a part of the whole, yet each, whole in itself...

Random musings of restless minds are what you'll find here!


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