Our Story

We are four friends, doctors by occupation, practising different specialities in different parts of the world. We have been friends for years, sometimes ‘friends-in-absentia,' but friends nevertheless. After medical school, life happened. We were newly into medical practice, fresh in our respective marriages, and learning the realities of life outside campus. Like everyone entering this phase of life, this was a fast-paced, hectic period for us and our hobbies took a back seat. We were navigating the tricky waves of our careers and responsibilities. But now the waters have calmed down. We are ‘settled’ in life. Throughout these phases the friendship survived. Not just survived, but thrived - still as exciting as it was during our college days. With calm waters and restless minds, we felt the need to go back to our passion of writing. So, here we are - back as a team and with a blog of our own.

Bun Maska Corner (BMC) is the result. This site is built from scratch and maintained entirely by four medical professionals looking to widen their horizons. Its built out of their passion for writing, literature, life and friendship.


For any feedback and comments feel free to write to us at – thebunmaskacorner@gmail.com