Noodle Doodle

There is a charm to everything first….

Yippee! I think we are going to have a good treat today. Mommy has made me wear that red shirt with pikachoo on it. My shoes are also clean, I didn’t play in the mud today. There is a ‘spiderman’ sticker on my right shoe. There was one on the left shoe too, but I was tweaking it one day and it came loose. Wish I had listened to Mommy and had stopped doing that. My sister is wearing her white pump shoes, that has little pink roses on them. She keeps them better. And I like them too. We are playing on the swing outside, waiting for the bigger people to get ready and come out of the house.

Didi shouts, “Hey look, they are here now.” Granpa, Granma, Mommy and Papa; Mama and Mami are going too. I love my Papa’s car and I love sitting on Granpa’s lap. He never tells me to stop bouncing and wriggling on his lap. But someday, I will like to sit on the car seat directly like the big people. My sister nowadays gets to sit like them. I think I envy her a little for that. Everybody is talking so much, no one is going to listen to me. I better play with my Tiger. But I am really feeling like touching my sister’s ponytail. She doesnt let me play with it and always complains to Mommy about it. A little while ago, I took out a coin from Mami’s purse. She didnt even know. I will hide it in Grandpa’s pocket. I ask Papa “When will we reach” and he says - Ten minutes, beta. Is ten minutes so long? I again ask ‘Papa, when will we reach?’ Ten minutes. Again ten minutes! Wish I knew how to read time on a watch. Mommy has a beautiful watch, it shines brightly. I love watching the little sticks in it move. She keeps scolding my sister for trying to wear it. I love my sister and don’t like her getting scolded.

I am still in the car and feeling bored and thirsty. I really want to get out. Oh wait I hear Granma say - “Reached at last!” I make my way out of Granpa’s lap, but he holds me back and says “ Papa is parking, wait.” So I sit back and look outside. It was dark already; I was worried that Mommy will say - No playing after dark. But Mama opened the car door and lifted me from Granpa’s lap and with a big swing placed me right on to the ground. I jumped out of joy and looked around. Whoa! What is this place! So many lights, colourful flags, big and small rides and people all around. Didi loves going to the rides, I am a little scared but I am sure I will join her after a year or two. I love the large round red and yellow balloons, but not the ones that refuse to drop down and stand high up on the thread, as if trying to escape me. Papa said they have light air inside them; well, I like heavy air, heavier the better. I even love these cars and toys that have music and lights on them. “Papa, I want the green giraffe; not this; that one, which moves and sings” “Alright beta” and Yoohoo! the giraffe is mine. Its so smooth and shiny. I hope I donot break it too soon.

We pass by some food stalls and Didi starts demanding something. I cant make out at first. Then the plate comes and she jumps with joy shouting - “Yippee, Noodles !” Oh, I see, these are noollels; I say “Noollels” and Didi laughs - “Not noollel …it’s noodle.” That’s fine, one day I too will speak correctly like her. But I am curious to know what it feels like to eat noollels. Mommy never gave me noollels to eat earlier; I am sure. She says - “You want to eat?” I nod quickly. As the plate came close, I start laughing, noollels look like my drawings in play school. I pick one between my fingers and up came a long long noollel, refusing to leave the rest. I tugged a bit and it came loose, now I can chew on it. I see my sister using a fork and mouthing many many noollels together. I am happy with one at a time. She is loving it and so am I. Hey, I hear the rest talking and giggling. I hadn’t noticed all this time, as I was so busy with the noollels. Mami is pointing her red phone camera at me and saying, “Our Riyansh looks so cute eating his first chinese!” “Yes,” says Mama, “let him enjoy his Alice in wonderland days.” And everybody starts smiling and nodding while I wave a noollel in the air and shout - “Noollel doollel.” 😊


The Bun Maska Corner

Four friends, strangers, and a bit of both, connected by a shared passion for writing... like four dots... each a part of the whole, yet each, whole in itself...

Random musings of restless minds are what you'll find here!




A Walk In The Night