Lover’s Tiff.

There they sit, staring at me, from the corner of the room, while I run around from one chore to another. I can feel the intense, forlorn gaze... the sting of broken promises, the hurt of neglect...

Oh, I'm talking about my running shoes... what did you think?

Running, was the love of my life, and then 'life' happened....I became lazy, and somehow mundane things became more attractive.

For me, the whole process of stepping into your running shoes and hitting the road; sweating it out under the sun; gravel, sand, stone, crunching under your feet, rivulets of sweat soaking your dri fits, making them redundant; the bird song of the early mornings, the sunrise, the untrodden roads, the adrenaline rush on completing your 5k/10k/15k... no target too small or big, the sore muscles, the relief that stretching brings, the happiness when your fitness app shows you've exceeded your step goal almost everyday.... is meditative as well as cathartic...

And how do I even start to describe the frenzy of the actual marathon! The atmosphere pulsing with energy, your heart beating to its rhythm, prepping the body for the arduous task ahead! And the long journey, with a friend every step of the way, your running buddy, the volunteer, the spectator cheering for you, family.... everyone pushing you just that little bit! And the ecstatic trot to the finish line!

In the end it all comes down to crossing the finish line.... and what an achievement it is!

It can’t be understood unless experienced.... it's not about the podium finishes, it's not about the timing, it's not about your fitness... it's just about crossing that finish line!





Alas, nowadays it feels like I'm in a lovers tiff with running.... longing, from afar, begrudgingly admitting to myself that I miss it...

Guess I'll have to give in to love and finally get those shoes out !

~ Muffin

The Bun Maska Corner

Four friends, strangers, and a bit of both, connected by a shared passion for writing... like four dots... each a part of the whole, yet each, whole in itself...

Random musings of restless minds are what you'll find here!


Gulzar Saab and Me


How ‘Not’ To Talk To Teenagers.