
Keto, pilates, treadmill for weight loss? Naah, friends are better.

One look in the mirror, and I knew, I should refrain from stepping on the weighing scale for the foreseeable future. I could deal with a muffin top better, as it is less scary than weighing scale numbers! Mustering all the body positivity I could, I put on a loose shirt, and got ready for the day.That evening, I was supposed to meet my girlfriends R and D, over coffee and cheesecakes! These coffee dates have always been our respite from the tedious routines. Sinful affairs with indulgent food, coffee and juicy bits of gossip. I always come back with a lighter heart and head abuzz with new information (processing all that gossip takes up a lot of head space).

Although I was looking forward to the evening, I knew, my muffin top would find a mention sooner rather than later. And I was half expecting those two pairs of smiling eyes , with their sandwiches and frappes , to start a deluge of instructions regarding exercise, diet, weight management and everything related, once I mention it. But what happened,baffled me. As we settled in the coffee shop that evening, the menu was handed over to me. Ironically, I was supposed to order for the three of us. Skimming through the menu for healthy options, the Cheesecake caught my eye, and I knew, I'll have to kiss goodbye to that for a long long time to come! As we took our first sips of coffee, I finally spilled the beans on my weight gain and muffin top. Both of them shared a meaningful glance and just smiled at me. I couldn't understand this reaction. I mean, deep down, I wanted them to be worried for my health, if not anything else! And I felt kind of abandoned! Now the onus of deciding the best course of action, lay on me! No food tips, no encouraging words, no gyaan on diet plans! Now whom do I turn to, to decide whether intermittent fasting is better or keto diet is. Do I eat local food or satisfy my taste bus with exotic salads? Detox or no detox? Gluten free, sugar free, free free free.... how soon can I be free of this?

Well, don't get me wrong, but my friends are health afficionados. They would never miss a training session, would follow the strictest portion control, practice yoga and eat salads for dinner! But today, they left me without any 'gyaan'! I came back, dreading about the daunting task of 'going back to being healthy' ahead of me! Without giving it further thought, I chose to call it a night.

Next morning, I was rudely awakened by the incessant ringing of my phone. It took me a few seconds to realize it was R. Thinking it's for some emergency that she's calling me at the crack of the dawn, I sat upright. She was actually waiting for me near our building. For a morning jog. As usual, I started giving perfectly lame excuses, kids school, breakfast, morning chores... but she wouldn't take no for an answer. In fact she had already sorted things out with my maid and husband! I had no option, but to get my ass up and moving! First thing she told me as I met her was, 'You need action, not just advice.’ And I realized, yesterday, after coffee, R and D had conspired behind my back to push me into action. Miffed and happy at the same time, I started doing the stretches with her.

That evening, as I reached back home, there was a parcel waiting for me. A healthy salad from D! With a note saying 'Start choosing healthy. Have forwarded you more recipes' She knew, I would not attempt anything like a 'healthy salad' all for myself! As I scooped up the Quinoa and veggie salad, I wondered, do you really need a diet chart, or a training plan to be healthy? Or you just need crazy friends who can push you to wake you out of your lazy slumber, using whatever tactics they need to!

(Well, our coffee dates still are sinful, and I look forward to polishing off that last bit of cheesecake, albeit without any guilt!)


The Bun Maska Corner

Four friends, strangers, and a bit of both, connected by a shared passion for writing... like four dots... each a part of the whole, yet each, whole in itself...

Random musings of restless minds are what you'll find here!


One Day


New Beginnings