A Dream Come True

Small dreams…big happiness!

She had imagined it a thousand times,

Had dreamt about it as many times.

She smiled to herself - “He is finally here.”

They were meeting for the first time.

There was a fantasy, a plan, to meet him in a black T and jeans.

Countless times they had pictured it both together.

But the best plans are the ones never made.

So on that sunny morning of October,

Under the beautiful autumn sky,

Towards a cottage by the beach,

The little girl in her, ran in her slippers, gathering up her cotton frock

To meet her bestest friend, the love of her life.

She had imagined a shy, an awkward moment.

With a flutter inside her chest,

she knocked at the door.

With mad love running in his veins,

he rushed to open the door.

Their eyes met and melted in love.

The world outside ceased to exist,

As they plunged into togetherness,

Locked by their lips and arms.

And just like that,

"A dream came true."

~ Eclair.

The Bun Maska Corner

Four friends, strangers, and a bit of both, connected by a shared passion for writing... like four dots... each a part of the whole, yet each, whole in itself...

Random musings of restless minds are what you'll find here!


An Old Man And The Tree


The Devi And The Two Delicacies